Posts tagged Women's Lifting Class
Free Women's Lifting Class - BRC Collaboration Event

Join us on March 16th!

A free class in collaboration with Boulder Running Company. 

Lifting weights is one of the easiest ways to keep and gain muscle, improve metabolism and coordination, improve bone health, and prevent against injury. Every woman should be lifting as part of their overall health routine. 

Join Koa Fit Owner, Brenna Backe for an hour lifting class just for women. Learn the basics while learning how to up the weight. 

Classes will be at 9am and 10:30am. Please sign up for only 1 class.

Classes are limited to 8 people. Please only sign up if you know you can make it as the space is very limited. Please cancel at least 24 hours in advance so that we can allow people from the waitlist to join.  For questions, please email

B's Lifting Class for Women

Tuesdays at 4:30pm and Thursdays at 3:30pm

Attention ladies! You need to be lifting heavy.

Starting at age 30, women will lose 3%-5% of their muscle mass per decade leading to a decrease in sports performance, change in body composition, and a higher risk of injury.

Lifting heavy weights can be intimidating and a lot of people believe lifting heavy leads to injury, but the opposite is true. If you are not proactively trying to keep and gain muscle mass, you will get weaker and become more susceptible to injury.

Join Brenna Backe in one of these 2 classes to start learning how to lift safely, productively, and heavy. This class is open to all levels, no lifting experience required and everything can be modified.

To keep everyone safe and to get the most out of the class, the class will be limited to only 6 people. Please sign up in advance to reserve your spot. We ask that if you need to cancel, please do so 24 hours in advance to allow us to open the spot to the waitlist and avoid being charged.

Lifting Class Packages:

4 pack - $140

Singles - $40

*** Want to know more? Read this article by Dr. Stacy Sims HERE. ***