

Mission: Help our clients thrive by creating a community of support. To be a resource which provides guidance, knowledge, and tools to help people build a foundation of health.

Philosophy: Koa Fit uses precise, customized fitness plans to show people how to take care of their bodies. We identify the core imbalances in the body and build a focused, progressive program to help our clients increase their strength and fitness without injury or pain. We work to correct the destructive patterns in our client’s movement that continue to cause injury, and use proven protocols to re-pattern the body so our clients can simultaneously gain more strength while decreasing pain. Our classes, free workshops, and community events, create a community of support that is unique to Koa Fit and adds an additional component to our client’s overall health and fitness plan.

We at Koa Fit are constantly researching so we can offer our clients fun, innovative and smart programs that help them reach their goals quickly.   We educate our clients so they understand their program and have the option to work independently or with a trainer. This gives our clients flexibility in the amount of time and resources they want to dedicate to their program. Our team works together to provide our clients with an integrated health and fitness plan that can include exercise and rehab programs, massage therapy, and lifestyle and nutritional coaching.

Corrective Exercise

Muscle imbalances affect everyone.   For some, imbalances in the body can lead to stiff necks, low back pain, and sore knees.  Others will see loss of strength, muscle atrophy, and weaker sport performance.  Some will have limited range of motion in their hips, shoulders, and back.  Left unresolved, all imbalances will eventually limit performance, increase the risk of injury, and cause pain.

Corrective Exercise helps re-educate your body to move efficiently.   Programs are designed to increase the flexibility of muscles that have become too tight and strengthen the muscles that have become weak, or have turned off all together.  An intelligent and progressive program combined with good coaching and exercise technique can not only get you moving pain-free and efficiently, but it can get you amazingly strong and fit.

A typical corrective program will start by mobilizing the areas your body is “stuck” or tight.  Next, exercises will be implemented to isolate the muscles that have become lazy or weak.  This is the foundation of a Corrective Exercise program.  Once flexibility has been gained and the weaker muscles are working, you can begin Functional Movement Training by performing exercises to integrate the new, efficient movement pattern.

Increasing the range of motion in your joints and strengthening weaker muscles to become balanced in the body allows you to be able to lift heavier, work a greater percentage of your muscles, decrease your chances of injury, have better posture, and get stronger.  There shouldn’t be a disconnect between corrective exercise and performance enhancement.  A good training program should accomplish both.

Functional Movement Training

Functional Movement refers to the movement we use throughout our daily lives.  It could be as simple as getting out of a chair or as complex as a golf swing.  Training for these types of movements helps decrease the risk of injury, increase performance, and make movement in daily life easier and pain free.

Traditional weight training tends to be repetitious and cause injury and muscle tightness over time.  Traditional training only strengthens isolated muscles.  The connective tissue (tendons, ligaments, fascia, etc.) and the stabilizing muscles need to be trained in conjunction with the bigger, gross muscles in order to avoid injury.  Functional Movement trains the body to work together.

The body was designed to push, pull, rotate, move forward, move backward, move up, move down, and any combination of these movements.  Training your body in a controlled atmosphere to gain strength in these areas, will increase your coordination, power, and mobility when performing the movements outside of the gym.

Without correcting poor movement patterns first, Functional Movement Training will be ineffective.  Therefore, a Corrective Exercise Program should be developed to balance the body before Functional Movement Training is implemented into a workout.